
For a companion cat, not intended for breeding (sterilized / castrated): 1650 €
For a cat intended for reproduction (whole cat not sterilized / not castrated): between 2400€
These amounts will be fixed according to its breed (Shorthair / Longhair), the rarity of its coat, its color, the pedigree of the parents, the title of the parents, its lineage, ...
IMPORTANT: A purebred kitten intended for the company must be sterilized / castrated before its 6 months (Luxembourg welfare code), unless the purchaser is an approved breeder
==> A companion kitten will therefore have an official pedigree "Not for Breeding", which will not allow it to reproduce.
Think carefully before adopting a kitten, this represents a significant financial investment but also a lot of time, more difficult holidays, ...
“The animal is a sensitive being which has needs which are specific to it according to its nature. "
==> Adopting a cat (or any other animal) is therefore a decision that should not be taken lightly.
When we talk about the "quality" of a purebred cat, we are talking about several types of criteria:
"WELL-BEING / HEALTH" criteria: complete vaccines (primary and booster), dewormer and anti-parasite, identification by microchip, very frequent veterinary checks, genetic screening tests (and others), legal health standards for high quality litter, quality food adapted to their needs, ...
AESTHETIC criteria: respect for the breed standard, beauty of the kitten, color, type, FIFE pedigree recognized worldwide (feline competitions), ...
SOCIAL criteria: socialization of the kitten in a family environment, complete weaning of the kitten, cleanliness, good behavioral balance, ...
We invest 300% in our cats, and moreover, our work as a breeder is internationally recognized.
All these criteria (and others) have enormous added value, and it is all this that defines the price of "quality".